This is IT related blog
How to solve iPad’s rapid discharge when reading books.
- Posted in:
- Apple
5 years ago, I bought iPad Air 2 for my wife. It worked just fine but about 2 years ago I started to get complains from her about battery. She is using iPad only to read books and she was saying that iPad can discharge battery in just few hours. Reading books is not something that should discharge batter that rapidly. So, I started investigation.
That time iPad has iOS 11 and I did install few tools that show battery degradation and battery was at perfect condition. I did check if battery charge is measured correctly and iPad switched itself off at about 0%. I did calibrate battery and many other things and asked my wife to check it. She [...Read More]Cannot install Windows update. Error 0x80073712
- Posted in:
- Windows
Few days I got a complain from one of the users that he cannot install Windows update. I came and checked it and I can see that it is failed with error code 0x80073712. And then I started to research this problem. On one of the pages I found recommendation to execute following commands:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
Well, this is simple, and I did execute these commands. Both these commands failed with error “The WOF driver encountered a corruption in the compressed file's Resource Table”. Interesting. Then I started searching for this error and found recommendation to execute following command:
sfc /scannow
After I executed this command I got this error
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Use https to access OpenWrt router
I don’t know how I missed it but by default OpenWrt router will be accessed via http. Http means that when you login, data will be transmitted via plain text and in many cases it can received by other devices in your network (depending on how you access router, type of router and what is you network configuration).
Many people can say that they have only trusted devices in your network. But devices have vulnerabilities. You never know if your device is vulnerable. Sometimes you may add friend of guest to your network. You have no idea if they update their devices or if they care about security at all. And in any case defense should be layers, so failure [...Read More]Ethernet over video coaxial
- Posted in:
- Network
My house is relatively new but unfortunately in Unites States most houses have video coaxial cable and not ethernet. I seen few houses with ethernet but they still quite rare. On other side apartment where I lived before I bough house has ethernet sockets in every room. It also has USB sockets on pretty much every power outlet. Really convenient. Anyway, after I bought my house, I have to solve connectivity problem.
I had 2 ethernet sockets: 1 on the kitchen and it was built with house and second one was installed to transfer video and audio data to TV during selling process. And every room has coaxial video cable connector.
Initially I though about removing coaxial cable and please [...Read More]