Recently I got strange situation in our application. We have two different classes in .NET that exposed to managed code via COM interfaces. Both classes look very similar but one class by some reason supports IDispatch while another class does not. We have piece of code that work quite differently depending on IDispatch support. And was asked to investigate what is going on and why these two classes behave different.
Here is some data. First class looks like this:
public class Foo : BaseClass1, IDisposable
Second class looks like this:
public class Bar : BaseClass2, IMyInterface
IMyInterface declared like this:
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How to get to Exception object in .NET when native code calls it
Few day ago, I did investigate crash dump where .NET code raised some exception. Some .NET code called from native host using COM interface. .NET wraps such calls in try catch and return proper HRESULT to caller in native code in case of exception. In my case that .NET method failed and return failed HRESULT. Then due to unforeseen design issues, native code crashed and as result Windows created crash dump and terminated process.
Normally in most native languages when exception is raised, exception object of some kind is created and when exception handled somewhere, this object is destroyed and after that there is no way to
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Imagine you have some field myIntf of type IMyInterface in some class and that interface is implemented in native code. In some cases, it is useful to know which thread was used to introduce this interface to .NET first time. It is useful, because this interface would be connected/attached to that thread and call of any function from that interface will attempt to marshal execution to that thread, unless it is free threaded. And this thread could be blocked, destroyed etc.
So, imagine you have following code:
If you add
Debug.Break(); before this line code and run your application from WinDbg and wait until execution will stop. Next, press
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If you work with COM objects you may accidently attempt to use or create COM object in one thread and accidently use it in another thread. And then unless original thread is free threaded .NET will attempt to switch to original thread.
And from there you will see one of the following outcomes.
- If that thread pump messages, then .NET will attempt to send message to that thread to switch. Sometimes it can lead to deadlock or just long delay if that thread is busy. Main thread usually pumps messages, so usually .NET able to switch to main thread.
- You will get error that Interface is not supported. Sometimes you will get that cryptic message even that interface is clearly supported. You will get this message because .NET don’t know how to marshal to original thread, specially if this is some background thread. In this case .NET is not able to marshal, so it will ask object itself to marshal by requesting few interfaces and one of them is IMarshal. Most objects do not support these interfaces and you will see that error message
- When original thread was terminated, or if that was thread pool thread and it will clean its state on next request. In this case you will get this one from MDA: Managed Debugging Assistant 'DisconnectedContext' : 'Transition into COM context 0xed058 for this RuntimeCallableWrapper failed with the following error: The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010108 (RPC_E_DISCONNECTED)). This is typically because the COM context 0xed058 where this RuntimeCallableWrapper was created has been disconnected or it is busy doing something else. Releasing the interfaces from the current COM context (COM context 0xec968). This may cause corruption or data loss. To avoid this problem, please ensure that all COM contexts/apartments/threads stay alive and are available for context transition, until the application is completely done with the RuntimeCallableWrappers that represents COM components that live inside them.'
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Recently I was investigating deadlock related to COM in .NET. In we have some engine that executes asynchronous requests. It is written in native code and use COM like interfaces. Nothing like true COM where you have some registration etc. We just use COM like interfaces for interop between .NET and native code. And I have following code:
00 00000001`4eeed7d8 00007ff9`184b8027 ntdll!NtWaitForMultipleObjects+0x14
01 00000001`4eeed7e0 00007ff9`1a583905 KERNELBASE!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0x107
02 00000001`4eeedae0 00007ff9`1a583665 combase!MTAThreadWaitForCall+0x115
03 00000001`4eeedbb0 00007ff9`1a5329c7 combase!MTAThreadDispatchCrossApartmentCall+0xc5
04 (Inline Function) --------`-------- combase!CSyncClientCall::SwitchAptAndDispatchCall+0x325
05 00000001`4eeedc00 00007ff9`1a581e94 combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceive2+0x407
06 (Inline Function) --------`-------- combase!SyncClientCallRetryContext::SendReceiveWithRetry+0x25
07 (Inline Function) --------`-------- combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceiveInRetryContext+0x25
08 00000001`4eeede00 00007ff9`1a530900 combase!DefaultSendReceive+0x64
09 00000001`4eeede60 00007ff9`1a581bc4 combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceive+0x330
0a 00000001`4eeee090 00007ff9`1a5a2e4e combase!CClientChannel::SendReceive+0x84
0b 00000001`4eeee100 00007ff9`1b1d8b95 combase!NdrExtpProxySendReceive+0x4e
0c 00000001`4eeee130 00007ff9`1a5a0cbb rpcrt4!NdrpClientCall3+0x395
0d 00000001`4eeee490 00007ff9`1a61c5f2 combase!ObjectStublessClient+0x13b
0e 00000001`4eeee820 00007ff9`1a5268a9 combase!ObjectStubless+0x42
0f 00000001`4eeee870 00007ff9`1a59cd6f combase!CObjectContext::InternalContextCallback+0x259
10 00000001`4eeee990 00007ff8`c79fed60 combase!CObjectContext::ContextCallback+0x7f
11 00000001`4eeeea30 00007ff8`c79ffb42 clr!CtxEntry::EnterContext+0x295
12 00000001`4eeeec10 00007ff8`c789de97 clr!IUnkEntry::UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext+0xbd
13 00000001`4eeeecc0 00007ff8`c789dde2 clr!IUnkEntry::GetIUnknownForCurrContext+0x20cd8f
14 00000001`4eeeecf0 00007ff8`c76924c1 clr!RCW::SafeQueryInterfaceRemoteAware+0x20bab2
15 00000001`4eeeed50 00007ff8`c75f1f79 clr!RCW::CallQueryInterface+0x8d
16 00000001`4eeeedc0 00007ff8`c75f226f clr!RCW::GetComIPForMethodTableFromCache+0xb5
17 00000001`4eeeee80 00007ff8`c75f2716 clr!ComObject::SupportsInterface+0xfe
18 00000001`4eeeeff0 00007ff8`c75f2642 clr!Object::SupportsInterface+0x9e
19 00000001`4eeef060 00007ff8`c75f255a clr!UnmarshalObjectFromInterface+0x7a
1a 00000001`4eeef0a0 00007ff8`69a6a493 clr!StubHelpers::InterfaceMarshaler__ConvertToManaged+0xca
1b 00000001`4eeef240 00007ff8`c74b2e89 0x00007ff8`69a6a493
1c 00000001`4eeef290 00007ff8`c75f13b3 clr!COMToCLRDispatchHelper+0x39
1d 00000001`4eeef2c0 00007ff8`c74b2de7 clr!COMToCLRWorker+0x1b4
1e 00000001`4eeef380 00000001`3aeb49fb clr!GenericComCallStub+0x57
1f 00000001`4eeef410 00000001`3aeb4721 AsyncEngine.AsyncResult.PerformCallback+0x4b
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One of complications for STA COM interfaces that they have thread affinity and any function from that interface should be called only from that thread. For example, imagine that main thread actively using some COM interfaces. And in some moment GC thread started to release unused interfaces.
But GC cannot call Release function of that interface in GC finalizer thread. GC thread should switch to main thread to call Release. This is quite slow and main thread could be busy. In case when there are a lot of interfaces went on .NET side it can create huge queue of interfaces waiting for their release and there could be some other objects waiting for finalizer to be called.
As mitigate that,
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Another thing that developer should be aware when consuming COM interface is apartment. It is quite long topic and I will not explain it in detail. For today discussion let’s talk about STA. If you never use COM interface in .NET from different threads you can ignore this post.
STA means single thread apartment. Normally main thread has STA. COM interface that arrives to .NET runtime usually will be marked as STA. It means that that COM interface will be used only from thread it originally passed to. It called thread affinity. There are ways to change that behavior, but it will be in later posts.
As result when you call any function on STA COM interface and current thread is not one that originally received that interface then .NET runtime will attempt to switch to that thread.
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COM in .NET is very tricky to do properly, and it is source of a lot of confusions. It is quite extensive area and I will try to explain stuff I learnt from it. I would like to mention that all that I got from practice and from exploring source code of CLR and call stacks in WinDbg. But some conclusions could be wrong so use it at own risk.
Firstly, we have to start with basics. Let’s talk about case when .NET code consumes some external COM object.
.NET cannot consume COM interfaces directly, so when COM interface crosses .NET boundary runtime will create special structure called Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW for short) and .NET native objects (it called
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