You are product. Part 2

Today I was viewing this video

In this video guys showing different public groups in Facebook where people trade other people’s private information to scammers. Like tech calls, refund scams, pharm scams etc. And this guy was surprised by this fact. It reminds me

Facebook does quite substantial segregation. First category of people is just ballast. Long time ago all ships have something heave at their bottom to prevent flipping when big wave hitting them. And even in such unlucky case, it will flip back. Extra weight is obviously bad, but in this case is necessary for safe sail. The same applies to this category of people. Nobody needs them, they are necessary evil, food for second category.

Second category are paying customers. They have much more rights and privileges. They can sell fake stuff, they can scam people, post fake news, sell private information and all other things except these that directly contradicts law. Everything else pretty much allowed. Some may say, that Facebook just doesn’t know. But if someone reports such activity, nothing happens in most of the cases. Money talks, you know. Few people from ballast category will be scammed. Big deal, who cares. They didn’t care when Russia used Facebook for their election manipulation, why would they care about scammers?