Recently I found that IPv4 for Lighsail will cost more from the 1st of May. And I decided to switch my test site to IPv6 only. I followed the guide that states that I had to create a snapshot and then restore it to an IPv6-only instance. Then I decided to connect to it via SSH and check that everything works fine.

To my surprise, I cannot connect to it. I tried everything and nothing worked. Then I tried to ping it and it also did not work. To make a story short eventually, I found that the issue was in my main OpenWrt router.

And then I remembered that I did something special in old versions of OpenWrt

Some time ago I wrote a series of posts about the Amazon Lightsail product. I really like Lightsail for simplicity and because for $3.5 I can create a fully functional virtual PC with a static IPv4 address. This way I can add an A record in my DNS server and point you to this virtual PC.

But recently Amazon changed conditions and IPv4 is not free anymore. By default, it will cost $1.5 per month. It is not a big deal by itself but it effectively increases the price from $3.5 to $5 which is more than a 40% increase. Previously it was impossible to compete with Lighsail, but for $5 there are way more offers.